Editorial about Twins
The analogue film captures a certain sense of in-between with regard to both worlds and it does so with an extraordinary attention to detail and pronounced aesthetic approach, that underlines and fuses some of the heavy contrast.
One afternoon we filmed our favorite twins Jessica and her sister Vanessa with a VHS camera of Nicole, gifted to her from one of her parents and analogue camera held by David, who although experienced photographer has never done fashion photography before. Here is the outcome.
Click on the link for the video on our Youtube Chanel for some moving images.

In our editorial we wanted to reflect on this fragmented sense of reality in our digital world. So we used some aesthetics tools to resemble a kind of pre Instagram world. That's why we used VHS camera and analogue photography.
We set up the sisters in a bedroom like space in order to create multiple narrative pathways that could animate seemingly their relationship as sisters and two creatives who often shop at Rowdy.

The girls were dressed by Lynna who also edited the video. Some of the clothes are still available for sale. Check out in our Shop.
Creative direction and set design by Marta